Cannabis and Conventional Medicine

Cannabis and other plant can be instrumental in supporting the body to get back to in natural abilities of self-correcting and self-healing.
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Shari B. Kaplan, LCSW
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Conventional medicine
Why Cannabis and Botanicals?
Dr. Ethan Russo and  The Grand Unified Theory
Shari B. Kaplan, LCSW

Founder of Cannectd Wellness, formulator of Cannectd Boost®
Creator of 283 organic whole plant CANNECTD® Boost formulations. She created integrative mental health and well-being programs designed to help individuals on their path of mind, body, soul healing and well-being. She is also the founder of the Can’t Tell Foundation to give hope to victims of domestic and sexual abuse and children who are plagued by bullying. Kaplan received her Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree in Musical Theater from Ithaca College, and a Master’s in Clinical Social Work (MSW) degree from Fordham University.
Was honored to be recognized by Congressman Alcee L. Hastings for her extraordinary efforts in abuse treatment for adults and children.

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