Understanding CBD and your practice

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Shamaya Chah
Video, presentation, reading, evaluation and certification
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  • Medical cannabis history
  • Why does one herb help so many different conditions?
  • Cannabinoid receptors
  • Health conditions influenced by cbd
  • Phytocannabinoids
Shamaya Chah

She has been a Licensed Massage Therapist and Massage Educator for more than 30 years and is a provider of continuing education for the states of Florida, Texas, New York and a National provider with the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Her areas of expertise are Human sciences, Anatomy and Physiology. She has done extensive research in how Cannabidiols (CBD) affects Physiology and the benefits it has for wellness and healing purposes. She is owner and co-owner of 3 different CBD companies and is responsible for all the research and development of all the products she represents.

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