With over 14 years of experience, we have been pioneering the education system of medicinal cannabis.
University of Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano
In alliance, we offer the Diploma in Medicinal Cannabis structured in 4 modules (legal, cultivation, chemical, medical) Now also available in virtual mode. More info here.
Autonomous University of
Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo
In partnership, we are consolidating the first academic steps on medical cannabis in the Dominican Republic ... we are creating the steps to achieve legalization in the country
Clayton State University,
Atlanta (Georgia)
Atlanta (Georgia)
Atlanta Academy of Cannabis Science, conducts 5-week courses in partnership with Clayton State University
Medical Cannabis Dispensary
Medical Cannabis Dispensary
Eufloria is one of the projects that have been born from the hand of Pharmacology University. In alliance, seminars and courses continue to be held in Oklahoma and other states.
Houston Academy of Cannabis Science
Houston Academy of Cannabis Science is the premier academic offering for medical cannabis in Texas. This Pharmacology University educational franchise offers courses throughout the year.
Pharmacology University and Dispensaries 420 carry out education programs to inform the Puerto Rican community of the benefits of Cannabis.
Cannapolis Scientific
Cannapolis is a business project, which under the experience of its board of directors and the guidance of Pharmacology U. will become one of the main products in Colombia
HEMP Ecuador, is an Ecuadorian company that performs cananbinoid analysis and testing. Recognizing the value of education, seminars and courses are held in partnership.
In partnership we developed the Diploma in Chemical Analysis, manufacturing and therapeutic uses of cannabis derivatives. A 12-week educational program with 80% of live classes with a scientific and practical approach.
The courses are very interesting and well structured. Learning with the teachers' videos first and with the slide shows later is very simple. At the end, the multiple-response evaluation without stress directly on the platform and with the certificate in zero time. I would recommend it for sure.
— Raffaele, Spain
I have taken the Pharmacology University pack. I liked it a lot for having a Standard format in each of the modules from agronomic management, The metabolism of Canabinoids, its mechanisms and mode of action, the use and management of them according to the problem, the difference in use between CBD and THC, its dosage in a responsible way, the Synergy of terpenes with cannabinoids, the benefits of using cannabis and sexuality breaking paradigms. Anyway, I liked the comprehensive agenda of managing the program from the cultivation, use and management of the plant. Thank you very much.
— Luis Fernando Giraldo, Colombia
I am very satisfied with the course because they talk a lot about full spectrum cannabis, there is a lot of talk about Thc and its benefits obviously also about the rest of cannabinoids, but my point is that they do not demonize thc because of its psychoactivity. In fact, it shows you the truth that its responsible and controlled application has great benefits. For me they have 100% in what is information. Excellent!
— Tancredo Serrano, Ecuador